What Are Particulate Respirators?
Particulate respirators are face masks that purify the air you breathe. Many workplace activities, as well as common activities such as home improvements, gardening and painting, generate contaminants such as dust, pollen, vapours, sprays, mould spores. These contaminants may be in the air all around you. Particulate respirators essentially guard lungs against these small, yet potentially hazardous, particles.
Disposable particulate respirators use straps to form a tight seal around the user’s nose and mouth. Since these type of respirators only cover half your face, unless you are also wearing safety glasses or safety goggles, they should only be worn when the contaminants in your environment are non-toxic to eyes and skin.
When It Is Necessary To Wear a Particulate Respirator?
Research says that thousands of workers are required to wear respirators in workplaces throughout Australia, due to the dangerous particulates in the air around them. Many common at-home activities also warrant protection from air-born contaminants by wearing a particulate respirator.
During Any Dust-Producing Activities
If you are engaged in dust-producing activities such as sanding, spray painting, sweeping, or grinding, it is recommended you wear a respirator. Some examples include.
- Using a power saw for building or tiling
- Working with non-rigid insulation
- Welding or cutting steel
- Woodworking
- Fertilising the yard and garden
- Mowing and blowing leaves
- When working with chemicals
During Many Artistic Activities
Artisans, artists, and hobbyists often work around dust, fumes, sprays, and mists. Art supplies such as charcoals and paints contain a few other potentially hazardous materials. For instance, potters are at risk of inhaling clay particles and glazing dust. Wearing a particle filter mask is essential for lung protection.
To Protect from Allergens
People with allergies can avoid breathing airborne allergens that lead to sneezing, itchy eyes, scratchy throats, and the respiratory distress of asthma by wearing particulate respirators. At Spring and Autumn time seasonal pollen and mould spores are usually at their worst. An inexpensive particulate respirator can provide great relief.
If you are looking for a wide selection of particulate respirators, Southland has got you covered. We offer respirators from the leading brands like 3M, Maxisafe and Scott Safety. Visit our website at https://www.southland.com.au/ or talk to one of our representatives at 1800 77 22 91 to know more.