Most small accidents can be dealt with in the workplace, provided there is a well-stocked first aid kit on hand.
First aid kits can help reduce the severity of accidents that may occur in the workplace. For example, if a workplace has a well-stocked first aid kit on hand, a small wound might simply require bandaging and a quick trip to the hospital for stitches. Without a first aid kit available, however, that same wound could lead to profuse bleeding, a dangerous loss of blood, shock, and potential long-term health problems for the affected employee. Aside from the obvious health and safety issues, it can also cost the company thousands through workers' compensation and fines.
So, what exactly should your first workplace first aid kit include? The following is a list of the basic first aid essentials that should be included in your first aid kit.
First Aid Kit Checklist
Bandages - bandages are used in many first aid situations. They provide support and compression for twists, sprains, and other minor joint injuries. Make sure that you have a variety of bandage sizes in your first aid kit to use for different situations.
Gauze pads – Gauze pads or swabs are excellent for dealing with wounds that are too large for band-aids. They absorb blood and help protect the wound from infection.
Medical Tape - Medical tapes are commonly used to secure gauze pads and splints, but there are all sorts of unpredictable situations where having some available could be handy.
Eye Pads – eye pads are used to protect an injured eye and absorb drainage.
Eye Wash - Sterile wash solutions such as sodium chloride eyewash are perfect to help rinse the eye or a wound site.
Tweezers - a pair of tweezers is used for picking out gravel, glass shards, splinters, thorns, or insect stingers.
Non-Latex Gloves – disposable gloves ensure that you don’t accidentally introduce any bacteria or dirt into a wound. They also protect you against the possibility of exposure to blood-borne pathogens.
Wipes - Antiseptic wipes, peroxide wipes, and alcohol wipes can all be used to clean wounds.
Ice Cold Packs – ice-cold packs are instant and ready-to-use cold packs that help control swelling, sprains, fractures, burns, and contusions.
Antiseptic spray - A bottle of antiseptic spray is a must-have item in any first aid kit, allowing you to disinfect minor injuries and prevent diseases or bacteria from taking hold.
First Aid Book – a first aid booklet is important in any first aid kit, offering diagrams and instructions on how to give first aid.
Other items that you may want to include for added safety in the workplace are defibrillators (AED’s), eyewash stations, and skin protection products such as sunscreen and/or insect repellent.
A well-stocked first-aid kit, and the knowledge to properly use it, can bring you peace of mind and provide you with confidence during a medical emergency. Stocking your kit with the supplies mentioned above allows you to ensure the quality of each item, and it also helps you become more familiar with how each component works.
Southland Supply Group
Southland helps promote preventive care in the workplace by offering a complete range of first aid kit supplies. Contact Southland today to see how we can help you maintain a first aid kit as part of a greater injury prevention program for your workforce. Visit our website at https://www.southland.com.au/