Chainsaws are without a doubt a very handy tool. They are used by many industries, including arborists, forestry workers, emergency workers, rescue teams, and loggers, just to name a few. What is important to remember, is chainsaws are also a very dangerous tool if used incorrectly.
While manufacturers are constantly trying to make their chainsaws as safe as possible by adding new features, at the end of the day, it’s still the user’s responsibility to be educated and follow proper operating procedures whenever using a chainsaw.
Whether you are a beginner or someone who needs to recap, here are some handy chainsaw safety tips:
Get equipment checked
It is vital to regularly inspect your chainsaw to ensure that the safety features are in good condition and functioning properly. If issues are found, a simple tuneup can often correct any problems.
Wear Safety Gear
Whether you are a professional logger or weekend DIY warrior, make sure that you always wear proper chainsaw safety equipment. When using a chainsaw always wear:
- Protective pants or chaps
- Protective trousers
- Anti-slip boots
- Safety gloves
- A Hardhat or Chainsaw Head Protection Kit
- Hearing Protection
Proper Training
Everyone using a chainsaw should be properly trained on how to safely operate one. Chainsaws seem straightforward enough to use, but there is a lot that can go wrong. Getting proper training will make sure the user knows how to hold and use it to avoid jamming or kickbacks, make sure nothing they cut falls on anyone, keep their eyes and ears safe, and know-how to operate it without hurting anyone (including themselves) in the process.
Knowing Your First Aid Basics
Everyone on the site including chainsaw operators, supervisors, and even the workers should know how to treat a chainsaw wound. Stopping the bleeding, preventing infection, and keeping the wound from getting worse is essential while awaiting treatment by emergency medical personnel. In order to do this, there should always be a suitable first aid kit on site.
Chainsaws are very dangerous tools that need to be treated with caution for everyone’s safety, regardless of how often you use one. You can reduce the chances of injury by planning your cuts, learning the proper operation of the tool, wearing the proper PPE, and approaching work with care and patience. For all the chainsaw safety gear you need, visit our website at https://www.southland.com.au/