Staying warm in cold weather is essential for the body to keep functioning. For many outdoor workers, the need to keep the hands warm and protected is a major concern. If ignored, it can result in serious health issues such as frostbite and hypothermia.
People who work outdoors, such as construction workers, traffic controllers, baggage handlers, arborists and aeroplane mechanics, are examples of workers who are often exposed to cold stress. Those who work in walk-in freezers at food processing plants are also at risk.
Southland can help you find the warmest pair of safety gloves that are suitable for your work. Below is a list of factors you may need to consider.
Just because gloves are thick doesn’t mean that they are designed for the cold weather. Depending on your work environment, you may need safety gloves that are designed to handle freezing, windy, and wet conditions. Safetek Freeze Nitrile Grip Winter Handling Gloves is one great option and is our most popular winter glove due to its all-around protection and competitive price point. Also very popular are the Huski Lined Riggers Gloves , although the Huski gloves are not waterproof, so they will not provide protection when handling wet objects.
Have the Right Sizes in Stock
Although this may seem obvious, having a pair of winter gloves that fit correctly is essential to worker safety. Ill-fitting gloves can be more dangerous than not wearing any at all, and Winter gloves are no exception.
Instead of using safety gloves that are one-size fits all, or only providing them in one size, purchase gloves that come in a variety of sizes to ensure workers have the right fit.
Get a Grip on Tool Handling
Any type of safety gloves should protect you, and also allow you to perform the work that you need to do without hindrance. It is always good to run some tests with your tools and gloves to make sure that the gloves are comfortable, and the tools remain easy and safe to use.
Proper tool use prevents wrist and hand strain, and the right insulated work gloves can protect from cold-related injuries as well. Some popular winter gloves that we stock are the Safetek freeze nitrile grip winter handling gloves, the ATG 54-451 Maxidry zero freezer gloves and Huski lined riggers gloves. Each glove is different and will perform better in certain circumstances.
Recognize Symptoms of Cold Stress
As a vital part of maintaining worker safety, employers should train employees to be aware of the symptoms of frostbite and other signs of cold stress. Most of the time, frostbite is exhibited when workers report reduced blood flow to their hands as well as numbness or tingling. Knowing how to recognise cold stress symptoms could allow workers to know when to take a break from working outside in the cold to avert serious hand injuries.
Winter can be a difficult time to work outside — whether it is in the snow, rain, or just freezing temperatures. Being prepared for the hazards of winter weather can help you better manage the impact on your employees and customers.
For a complete range of safety gloves and other personal protective equipment, visit Southland’s website at https://www.southland.com.au/.