Change in Rear Marker Plates from Class 2 to Class 1 Reflective
A review of Australian Standard (AS4001) was completed in 2017 and the NHVR (National Heavy Vehicle Regulator) decided to phase out the use of Class 2 rear marker plates in favour of Class 1.
The change takes place this year. Class 2 plates can be fitted and used up until 31st December 2020, but from 1st January they all need to be Class 1 Reflective.
Class 1 reflective is the higher grade of reflectivity and can easily be identified by its honeycomb pattern. Class 1 reflective marking plates are commonly used where high visibility is required for 24 hours of the day. These are made from a premium grade reflective, that reflects light from wide angles.
Which vehicles MUST be fitted with Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle signs?
Which vehicles MAY be fitted with Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle signs?
What signs are needed and how to regulations on installation?
The below table lists the various types of signs, and where they are required, as well as the regulations on installing them on vehicles.

Southland Supply Group are now only selling compliant Class 1 rear markers. View our complete range of Do Not Overtake Signs and make sure that you are safe and compliant.