This SAA Industrial Safety Colour Code standard describes the use of colour for the marking of physical hazards and the classification of certain equipment in the industry. It defines the colours for specific equipment in connection with accident prevention and information signs and recommends the colours to be used for specific purposes. Red, yellow, green and blue are specified and the chromaticity limits for the colours are included.
The colour should be the basic or background colour, used alone or in combination with white lettering, stripes, or edging, to identify or indicate the location of DANGER. This colour leads people to make choices based on avoiding the possibility of failure or negative consequences. This makes it an excellent choice for fire protection equipment and apparatus, danger signs, containers and flammable liquids, stop buttons/switches.
The colour should be the basic or background colour, used alone or in conjunction with black for marking places where caution should be exercised and where caution signs should be displayed. It is often used in marking specific physical hazards such as slippery surface signs, tripping hazards, and/or designating caution.
The colour green is mostly used in conjunction with white is the colour used for denoting safety and for indicating the location of safety and first aid equipment. Given its strong association with well-being and healthcare, green signage for safety and first aid equipment is not a surprising choice.
The colour should be used as the basic or background colour with white lettering for marking of mandatory signs to be followed, or places where it is desired to convey information of a general nature.
Consequently, when used in signage, many people might have an instinctive trust or confidence in the information or instructions being conveyed.
While colours have been shown in research to result from psychological or behavioural responses, some may still have different responses based on their own backgrounds. It is the employer's responsibility to ensure all employees are up to date with the latest safety colours. This will not only keep the employees and facility safe, but it will also help avoid any risk of being out of compliance with the regulations. Visit our website today and browse a wide range of safety equipment supplies. You may also reach us at 1800 77 22 91.