In the construction industry, having appropriate safety equipment is a health and safety expectation. Regardless of the task at hand, there are various hazards such as falling objects, slippery surfaces and so on, which will require safety measures to be put in place to protect workers. Without proper precautions and safety gear in place, these risks can be life threatening.
According to Safe Work Australia, the construction industry has the third highest fatality rate across the country. Most of these fatalities were caused by workers not wearing the right safety gear.
Here are 6 construction site safety essentials to help keep accidents on the decline
1. Safety Glasses
Eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the human body, so they need to be well protected. There are many jobs on construction sites such as grinding, cutting, and welding, etc. that are very dangerous for the eyes if they are not protected. This places safety glasses at the top of our list for anyone working on construction.
2. Safety Boots
Construction sites have many uneven and slippery surfaces, as well as sharp and hot trip hazards, all of which present a high risk of foot injuries. Safety boots are therefore one of the most important PPE items for construction workers. With the right safety footwear, workers are able to protect themselves from trips, slips, burns and even electric shocks.
At Southland, the majority of safety boots sold are equipped with features such as water resistance, impact protection, slip-resistant soles, safety toecaps, and ankle padding.
3. Hard Hats
On a construction site, falling objects present a serious and very real threat. Even a small bolt or tool falling from 20m above your head can lead to serious injury or death if appropriate head protection is not worn. Hard hats protect against these hazards and must be worn in all clearly designated hard hat areas. A hard hat should meet Australian Standards, have a rain gutter around the sides and must be comfortable to wear.
4. Hand Protection
Hands are often the first body part that comes in contact with hazards on a construction site. Construction workers may be required to handle things such as wires, electrical equipment, hazardous chemicals, sharp blades, and hot items. It is important that the hands are adequately covered and protected. Whether it be a threat from chemicals, cuts, or burns there is a glove or gauntlet that can protect your hands while still allowing you to effectively get the job done.
5. Hi Vis Clothing
It is critical that workers can be easily seen when working in a hazardous environment like construction sites. One out of three fatal construction site accidents involve workers being struck by moving vehicles. Hi Vis clothing such as vests, jackets and polos play an important role in ensuring workers are visible to drivers and machinery operators, even in low light conditions.
Southland have a vast range of hi vis clothing, in various colours, materials and tape patterns to suit every situation.
6. Hearing Protection
Due to heavy machinery use, there is often a lot of noise on construction sites that is very harmful to human ears, especially when workers are exposed over prolonged periods. In addition to this, the unwanted high-volume noise can be distracting, and make it difficult for workers to focus on their job (a major concern especially when using dangerous machinery). It is important that hearing protection such as earmuffs, earplugs and other hearing protection accessories are readily available on sit, and that wearing is enforced in high risk areas.
These 6 items are just a start. There are many other safety products that should be considered, such as respiratory protection and fall protection gear, when working on construction site. Proper analysis of the site and the potential safety issues must be considered prior to starting work.
Southland Supply Group
It takes the right safety gear to keep your workers protected on construction sites and other workplaces. At Southland, we strive to provide high quality safety equipment to help keep workers safe and help companies ensure full compliance with safety regulations. From safety footwear & safety glasses to safety harnesses & vests, we have got you covered!
View our complete range of safety gear and equipment or get in touch with us at 1800 77 22 91. You can also send us a direct email through webstore@southland.com.au. We look forward to hearing from you!