With the current need for increased sanitation and diligence in the workplace due to the COVID-19 outbreak, protecting your staff and consumers is more important than ever.
Implementing and adhering to good hygiene practices and using anti-microbial hygienic tools is a vital part of preventing contamination on food contact workplaces, and cross-contamination between workstations. The use of antimicrobial and hygienically designed cleaning products reduces the spread of harmful microbes, including the risk of COVID-19 infection.
Antimicrobial products are used in many environments such as hospitals, care homes, schools, gyms, and offices but the benefits have been mostly identified within the food industry to reduce the risk of food poisoning. With the increasing awareness of the need to improve hygiene levels in these workplaces, the demand for antimicrobial cleaning tools is growing.
Southland's Anti-microbial Hygienic Tools
Southland Supply Group has partnered with the world’s leading brand, Hillbrush, to supply high quality hygienic antimicrobial cleaning brushes and tools that are designed for areas that require exceptionally high standards of cleanliness and due diligence in controlling microbial contamination. This product line includes:
Recently, Hillbrush has collaborated with Biomaster to extend its product range of antimicrobial equipment for the food manufacturing and healthcare industries.
Biomaster Anti-Microbial Technology is a silver ion-based additive, proven to be up to 99.99% effective not only against bacteria, but also against moulds and fungi. The said additive is now included in the manufacturing process, ensuring that all anti-microbial cleaning tools offer protection against threats and dangers you cannot see - 24 hours a day.
Furthermore, all plastics in the product range Including the brush filaments and resin, are infused with Biomaster antimicrobial technology, helping minimise the growth of microbes on the surface of the cleaning tools.
However, it is important to take note that the antimicrobial additive is NOT a replacement for good cleaning practices. Manual effective cleaning is still the key, but using anti-microbial cleaning tools when cleaning, bacteria survival on the cleaning equipment is reduced and is constantly working in-between cleans.
The cleaning tools with Biomaster antimicrobial protection are now available in up to six colours including, Blue, Black, Red, Yellow, Green, & Violet.
The use of cleaning chemicals alone is recognised nowadays as not always the most effective method and only offers a limited level of defense, the combination of manual cleaning with effective chemicals using anti-microbial cleaning tools can provide the food industry with a solid defense for reducing the risk of cross contamination and providing a food safe production environment.
Southland Supply Group is dedicated to providing the highest quality hygienic cleaning and material handling tools to the most critical work environments. Please reach out to us 1800-77-22-91 or email us at webstore@southland.com.au. You can also use our contact form with any enquiry.